「We aim to establish a system of disaster prevention foods that is both “equal in the event of a disaster” and “sustainable.”

Japan is a disaster-prone country like no other.

We have also learned from past experiences that allergies, religious restrictions, and language can be barriers when eating during a disaster. We believe that the most important thing is for everyone to be treated equally during disasters, and we have applied this in the development of our products.

Greenchemy Co., Ltd., our partner that manufactures all of our products, proposed, adopted, and continues to make use of retort pouch processing (pressurized thermal sterilization treatment) as an alternative food preservation technology to canned food in response to a request from the Japanese Ministry of Defense 20 years ago. Our goal has been to produce long-term shelf-life foods that can be eaten as is at anytime, anywhere, by anyone.Our highly functional products have the following properties.

そThey do not require cooking and can be eaten immediately upon opening the retort pouch. hey do not contain any of the 28 specified food allergies or any shellfish.
In addition to being Halal-certified, product specifications are available in multiple languages. (Currently 31 languages)
We offer a wide variety of rice dishes as well as breads and cookies made from rice-based ingredients.
All of our products, including preserved water, have a 7-year shelf life.
They have a temperature resistance range of -20°C to 80°C to cope with harsh climates.

In addition, the long shelf life of more than eight years after manufacture enables reuse (via donation), and has led to the creation of long-term shelf-life food products for disaster prevention stockpiling with all of the ideal attributes.

Currently, our products are praised for their high level of safety, and we deliver them to more than 300 municipalities including Tokyo and Osaka, airports, stadiums, and other public facilities, as well as companies, hospitals, schools, and private homes throughout the country.

まInterviews with people who lived through the Great Hanshin Earthquake and the Great East Japan Earthquake revealed that what they wanted most at that time was warm, normal rice. Based on these comments, in the fall of 2022, we planned and launched sales of sets of 7-year preservable meals designed to be heated using only a glass of water. Although these sets are disaster prevention food products developed in response to the requests from disaster victims for warm side dishes and white rice, they have also been surprisingly popular on TV and through mail-order catalogs since their launch.

We will continue to make the most of everyone’s feedback as we continue to devote ourselves to the creation of products that are both delicious and safe.

Green Design and Consulting Co., Ltd.
CEO RYU Koichiro
Koichiro RYU

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