Exhibitions Food Japan 2023 (in Singapore) 2023.10.31 Export EXPO 2023 2023.10.31 Exhibitions Office Disaster Prevention EXPO 2023 Spring 2023.10.31 Exhibitions Gift Show 2023 2023.10.31 Exhibitions Rice future exhibition 2023 2023.10.31 Exhibitions GOOD LIFE Fair 2023 2023.10.31 Exhibitions Facility Renovation EXPO 2022 2023.10.31 Exhibitions Kankansai Office Disaster Prevention EXPO 2023 2023.10.31 Exhibitions Office Disaster Prevention EXPO 2022 Autumn 2023.10.31 Exhibitions GOOD LIF Fair 2022 2023.10.31 Exhibitions Interpets 2022 2023.10.31 Donations Donation to Okinawa Children’s Future Council 2023.10.26 Donations We donated our products to a children’s cafeteria in the Mishima area of Shizuoka Prefecture. 2023.10.26 Awards In april 2023, we won the Excellence Award at the SDGs Disaster Prevention Food Awards 2023.10.26 Awards In september 2023, we won the special jury award at the 5th Disaster Prevention Goods Award 2023.10.26
Donations We donated our products to a children’s cafeteria in the Mishima area of Shizuoka Prefecture. 2023.10.26
Awards In april 2023, we won the Excellence Award at the SDGs Disaster Prevention Food Awards 2023.10.26
Awards In september 2023, we won the special jury award at the 5th Disaster Prevention Goods Award 2023.10.26